Monday, June 30, 2008


To all My WonDerFul FrIenDs who are Always Inspiring Me to Create New and Fun tHings!
Joy, Kristen & Maija

Flowers for Sissy! xoxo

"Buddy" is waiting
to give "Sissy" her flowers!
Quote: Can we Go HoMe YET!
tHEy jUsT DoNt UnDerStanD!

Rockn' Robin

My Little Rockn' Robin
Too Cute!
Her performance was on Sunday!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

They Call Me the FireMAN!

Father's Day!
This was done two years ago for Jeremy, my husband.
A good friend of our Joe McBride took these pics and
sent me the disk to surprise Jer...
Smart man...he loved it
And it now hangs in our
Sons room with
For his Daddy!

Monday, June 23, 2008

THaT GiRl CaN PaRtY $$

SeConD NiGht in Sinnn...CiTy!
DaNSinnn..Drinkn' & GaMbln'
My KiNd of FrIenD!

PaRtY-AAA Girls...Gone WiLd

Hello..HellO!! ThE CraZy LaDy of The 909 Are Out Again...
Club LAX in the Luxor Vegas! WhAt a Crzzzy...Night! Drinks, Laughs...and danSIN...hahah
Well...we had a great time, made new friends and Went to a George Michael concert...thanx's to Our New Friends CarlosX & Steve..from the band!!! Let me Just Say Joy was lookn' LiKe "1" HOT MAMMA! WOW! Stay toon for another pic. FroM VeGas NiGhT's ...what HappEns wHen JoY Get'S OuT of ConTrol???

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Such a Slacker!

Ok...I knoW I need to get on the BALL! And start posting more fun stuff..But I'm worKing on it!! Hope everYone's SuMmer is starting off with a BanG!!!
Love Kell

Girlzzz Gone Wild

No PictureS Yet ...but sOOn too come!
VEGAS Baby! Joy & I

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Part-AAA Girls!

OMG! I ran across this picture and had to share...This is the other half of my party! Be it drinkn' or shoppn'...The Part-AAA Girls live on the edge! Never a dull moment! ROCK!